Buceo Galápagos

Islas Galápagos

Buceo, Tours De Islas y Cursos De Buceo

Majestuosas rayas

Black Turtle Cove, Santa Cruz

La magnífica frigatebird

Isla Seymour Norte, Floreana y San Cristobal

Tiburones ballena gigantes

Cruceros De Buceo, Isla Wolf

Leones marinos amigables

Galapágos tours diarios

Escuelas de cientos de tiburones martillos/span>

Gordon Rocks

Déjanos mostrarte un lugar especial

En un escarpado archipiélago a 600 millas de la costa de Ecuador, encontrará más de 200 especies de animales por encima y por debajo del agua. Academy Bay Diving ofrece una variedad de viajes de buceo y excursiones por la isla desde 1 día hasta 2 semanas, diseñadas para que pueda experimentar los paisajes y animales únicos que hacen de las Islas Galápagos un lugar tan especial.


Cursos de buceo, cruceros, charters, sitios de buceos, tours, cruceros de buceo y tours diarios en Galápagos.

Tours Diarios

Planea tus viaje ideal a Galápagos en tus vacaciones con alguno de nuestros tours diarios .

Aggressor Galapagos liveaboard

Cruceros De Buceo

Explora Galápagos en barco y conoce su fauna única en el mundo.

star rating  I was pleased to feel comfortable during early part of dive after a five-year absence. However, I became unsettled near end of dive as I couldn’t make out whether the… Read More

avatar thumb ccrock08
April 6, 2023

star rating  fabulous company. boat and bathroom boat facilities were great! the guides were nice and gave you a lot of freedom to explore on your own. we really… Read More

avatar thumb myndas2018
February 7, 2023

star rating  One of the best diving operators I have been and I have done 650 dives. Clean neat boat with good space for everybody. Clear instructions and a good briefing before… Read More

avatar thumb Steviedias
February 1, 2023

star rating  Such a professional outfit from check in thru the end. Dive crew is excellent- polite – knowledgeable and safety oriented! So impressed!

Claudia L
January 17, 2023

Reserve su Paquetes de Buceo con nosotros

Lo que puedes esperar ver

Scalloped Hammerheads

Diving with schools of hammerhead sharks is the reason many divers come to Galapagos. It is an awe inspiring experience and you would be unlikely not to see them.

Galapagos Sea Lions

Who doesn’t want top lay with these cheeky and curious creatures. Lucky for us they frequent all our dive sites.

Galapagos Shark

The Galapagos sharks are shy, but when they do come out it is a truly unique experience.

Mola Mola

If you are lucky enough to dive with the Molo Mola it is an experience you will never forget. They like the cold water, so you need to tough it out in the colder months to see them!

Diving galapagos with Eagle rays

Spotted Eagle Ray

A school of spotted eagle rays is one of the most graceful spectacles you can see. They are just beautiful, and lucky for us, they can be seen in all of the dive sites.

Green Sea Turtles

When you look into the eye of a green sea turtle you just feel wisdom.
The are big, beautiful and wise and floating around every corner of the Galapagos.

Manta Ray

The giant manta ray is a site to behold. With a wing span normally reaching 2-3 meters it dwarfs any diver it passes.

whaleshark diving with academy bay diving darwin arch

Whale Shark

The whale shark is the dream of every diver. We don’t see them often on the daily dive tours, but don’t let the dream die, though it’s unlikely to see them, it is possible!

Nuestro centro de buceo

Nuestro centro de buceo está ubicado en Puerto Ayora junto a la bahía Academia en la isla Santa Cruz.

Sitios De Buceo

Vamos a los mejores sitios de buceo en Galápagos. Chequea nuestra página para mayor descripción de los mismos.
Más información

Cursos De Buceo

Este es el lugar para empezar una gran aventura debajo de las olas.
Échale Un Vistazo

Las Islas Encantadas

Volcanes que se levantan desde las profundidades

Para muchos, las Galápagos son un lugar mítico donde tortugas gigantes caminan en la naturaleza, donde los lobos marinos juegan con las iguanas marinas mientras bucean por su almuerzo, donde las grandes escuelas de tiburones martillo navegan por aguas abiertas y arrecifes rocosos llenos de peces de todo tipo y los cielos están cubiertos de aves marinas… Más Información

Is it Expensive to Go to the Galápagos Islands?

The Galápagos Islands are a true bucket list destination. They’re the very definition of unique. Their remote location and world-famous wildlife-viewing opportunities stir an inherent sense of adventure in anyone visiting them. Given all these ingredients, it’s only natural to ask, “Is it expensive to go to the Galápagos Islands?” Well, the short answer is […]

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The Best Dive Sites in the Galapagos

Join us discovering the best dive sites Galapagos has to offer. Ask Academy Bay Diving to organise your once in a lifetime dive trip to the Galapagos Islands. We won’t let you miss a thing!

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What Activities Do You Recommend in Ecuador?

Some popular tourist activities to do on a trip to Ecuador include visiting the Galapagos Islands (our personal favorite at Academy Bay Diving!), exploring the Amazon rainforest, visiting the capital city of Quito, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and taking a tour of the Otavalo indigenous market. Other popular activities include hiking in the Andes […]

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