Guide to the Galapagos Islands

Essential information to help plan your Galapagos vacation

Get to Know More About the Galapagos Islands

Are you planning a once-in-a-lifetime Galapagos vacation? You understandably want to make the most of your time here! One of the best ways to do this is to come prepared… that’s where this guide to the Galapagos Islands comes in! From the wildlife to the weather, we’ve covered the important information you need to start planning the kind of trip you’ve always dreamed of.

To many, the Galapagos Islands are located in a far-off mythical place where giant tortoises roam wild, sea lions playfully dive for their lunch, schools of hammerhead sharks cruise the ocean floors, and where the skies are filled with majestic birds. The only difference between that picture and the true Galapagos is that you can be here too, to witness all these amazing animals and the strangely stunning surroundings they live in.

Keep reading for all you need to know about the islands or browse our range of Galapagos Diving Tours and Daily Galapagos Land Tours to get started! And please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

What’s So Special about the Galapagos Islands?

There’s no place on earth like the Galapagos Islands. Formed by volcanic activity, it has incredibly high rates of biodiversity. Around 97% of the reptiles and land mammals and 80% of the birds on the islands are endemic. The Galapagos Islands are one of the most significant natural havens in the world, and they have an intriguing history.

The Galapagos archipelago was first discovered by accident in 1535 when Tomás de Berlanga, the first Bishop of Panama, drifted off course whilst sailing from Panama to Peru. The islands didn’t appear on a map until 1570, where they were identified as the ‘island of the tortoises’. The first rough charts of the archipelago were made by buccaneers in the late 17th century, and scientific exploration began in the late 18th century.

Ecuador officially claimed the Galapagos in 1832 and General Villamil was named the first governor, essentially in charge of a single colony of ex-rebel soldiers on Floreana. For roughly one century after, the islands were inhabited by only a few settlers and were used as penal colonies, the last of which on Isla Isabela was closed in 1959.

Tour boats began in 1969 and by the mid-1980s tens of thousands of people from every nation were coming each year to witness what has so often been called ‘the last paradise’.

Some of the islands were declared wildlife sanctuaries in 1934 and 97% of the archipelago officially became a national park in 1959, while the government formed the Marine Resource Reserve in 1986. The Charles Darwin Research Station on Isla Santa Cruz began operating in 1964 and the Galapagos National Park Service was formed in 1968. In 2001, the Galapagos Marine Reserve was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

“Nothing could be less inviting than the first appearance. A broken field of black basaltic lava thrown into the most rugged waves, and crossed by great fissures, is everywhere covered by stunted, sunburnt brushwood, which shows little signs of life. The dry parched surface, being heated by the noon day sun, gave the air a close and sultry feeling, like that from a stove: we fancied that even the bushes smelt unpleasantly.”

(Darwin, 1845)

Where are the Galapagos Islands?

The Galapagos Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean over 1,000 km west of Ecuador. They consist of 13 large islands, 6 smaller islands, and 107 islets and rocks scattered over 430 km of open ocean, from Darwin Island in the northwest to Española in the southeast.

The islands were formed by volcanic activity and there are still occasional eruptions. Española is the oldest of the islands, but its volcanoes have long since been leveled by erosion and, with no elevation to condense clouds, hardly any rain falls.

Are the Galapagos Islands South of the Equator?

The Galapagos archipelago is located just 1 degree south of the equator. But they are traveling. The islands are located on the Nazca Plate, which is shifting southeast towards South America at about 4 cm a year! As the islands shift, they also move further away from a volcanic hot spot, leading to them becoming increasingly inactive.

Are the Galapagos Islands Inhabited?

Due to their remoteness, you may wonder if people live in the Galapagos. The answer is that they do! People live on four of the islands, with a population totalling around 30,000. They’re known as galapagueños and use only about 3% of the land — the other 97% form national parks. You can learn more about local life with our blog which further answers the question, ‘Are the Galapagos Islands Inhabited?

Can You Move to the Galapagos Islands?

We understand the appeal of wanting to move to the Galapagos Islands! Unfortunately, most people cannot move here unless they meet particular requirements, which include having lived on the islands before 1998, being married to someone from the islands, or if they gained permanent residency through their parents. The restrictions are designed to keep the islands from becoming overpopulated, which would place the biodiversity at severe risk. Learn more from our blog: Can you Move to the Galapagos Islands?

Wildlife on the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands are teeming with wildlife, and it’s one of the biggest draws on the archipelago. Nearly 9,000 species live on the island, the majority of which are endemic. You’ll find marine iguanas, Darwin’s finches, sea lions, penguins, and more. Learn more about the marine life with our Guide to Galapagos Wildlife.

The most famous animals here are, undoubtedly, the giant tortoises. Thousands of these tortoises once roamed the islands, until people arrived…

Why are Galapagos Tortoises Considered Endangered?

For more than 3 centuries after their discovery, the Galapagos Islands were used as a base by a succession of buccaneers, sealers and whalers.

The islands provided sheltered anchorage, firewood, water and an abundance of fresh food in the form of the giant Galapagos tortoises, which were caught by the thousands and stacked, alive, in the ship holds. More than 100,000 are estimated to have been taken between 1811 and 1844. The tortoises could survive for a year or more and thus provided fresh meat for the sailors long after they had left the islands. (Lonely Planet, 2009).

Loss of habit and the introduction of non-native species further decimated the tortoise population, and they are today considered vulnerable to extinction, with some subspecies having already gone extinct.

“[The tortoises] have of course been greatly reduced in this island, but the people yet count on two days hunting giving them food for the rest of the week. It is said that formerly single vessels have taken away as many as seven hundred, and that ship’s company of a frigate some years since brought down in one day two hundred tortoises.”

(Darwin, 1845)

Rise from the depths

Far out in the quiet Pacific, the low-domed backs of massive shield volcanoes rise from the depths. Here and there they break the surface as islands. Across great spans of time these islands have wandered, like so many giant tortoises bathing in a pool.

(Stewart, P. BBC).

What is the Weather Like in the Galapagos Islands?

The Galapagos archipelago is so far removed from any continental landmass that its climate is largely determined by the complex pattern of ocean currents that sweep its shores, driven by the trade winds. Conditions are never predictable and are often severe.

There are two broad seasons in Galapagos:

June to November: is known as the garùa season, when air is generally cooler and foggier and the seas more choppy, under the influence of the Humboldt Current and the southeast trade winds. This is the dry season, where the coastal areas receive no more than 10mm of rain per month. Temperatures can drop as low as 20°C, averaging 22-24°C. Water temp is 16 – 20°C/ 60-70°F.

December to May: is the warm season, when the southeast winds slacken, warmer waters from Panama Basin move in, the skies clear and temperatures can rise above 32°C with humidity being 70 to 80% daily, averaging 26-32°C. Water temp is 22-27°C/ 71 – 80°F. There is a much more tropical feel to the islands, interrupted by the occasional downpour.

Best Times to Visit the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands can be visited year-round, with each season offering its own unique perks. The warm season from December to May offers clear skies and clear waters perfect for snorkeling and diving. In the garùa season from June to November, nutrient-rich currents attract more marine life, while the cooler temperatures are optimal for hiking and wildlife watching. Whichever season you choose to visit in, we have Galapagos Diving Packages and Galapagos Islands Tour Packages ready for you!

A land fit for fiends

The first Spanish navigators to chart the Galapagos archipelago were convinced they could see the islands move. These lands were bewitched- cursed even. They called them Las Encantadas, the Enchanted Isles: an earthly Tartarus at the furthest edge of the known world. A land fit for fiends, but not for men.

(Stewart, P. BBC)

Getting to the Galapagos Islands


There are presently 2 airlines which operate out of Quito and Guayaquil who bring passengers to the Galapagos, Avianca & LATAM. It is possible to obtain a seat at the airport on the day of departure, but to avoid disappointment it is best to reserve ahead of time. The prices are very similar and expensive, but it is the only option we have.

From the Airport

There are two airports in Galapagos that receive planes from the mainland. The main airport is located just to the north of Santa Cruz on Ilsa Baltra, where a public bus and ferry carry you to Puerto Ayora, the main town on Santa Cruz. The journey takes approximately 1 hour and involves a bus, then a ferry and then another bus or taxi.

The other airport is located on Isla San Cristobal, where it is a short walk or taxi ride into town. A lot of the cruises depart from San Cristobal, so when booking your ticket, make sure you are going to arrive at the right island!

Intra Island


There are ferries that transfer passengers between islands, though the schedule can be somewhat unhelpful at times. These ferries are speed boats and are well known for claiming the souls of persons vulnerable to seasickness in the colder months. Please remember your seasickness tablets!

The ferries from Santa Cruz to San Cristobal and Isabela leave at the same time – 7am and 3pm every day and return from Isabella to Santa Cruz at 6am and 3pm every day.

The ferry from San Cristobal to Santa Cruz is 7am and 3pm every day.

It is possible to get a ferry to Floreana without doing a day tour, but it will have to be arranged with a local boat the day before you wish to go.


There is a small passenger plane that flies between Baltra and Isabela and San Cristobal. It is approximately $170 each way (at the time of writing). The extra cost might be worth it in the colder season when the ocean is rough if you are prone to seasickness.

What is the Cost of a Trip to Galapagos?

The cost of a trip to the Galapagos will largely depend on where you are traveling from, what you plan on doing, and how long you are planning to stay.

Flights from mainland Ecuador to the Islands cost around $500-$600 return, while you can spend anywhere between $30 and $200 a night for accommodation. Tours will bring up your costs, but there are also a number of Best Places to Explore For Free In, or Near, the Galapagos.

Taxes & Fees

The following taxes and fees are charged during your entry and stay in Galapagos.
$200 (cash only) National Park entrance paid at the airport upon arrival to Galapagos.
$20 (cash only) Immigration Galapagos Visitors Card. This is paid at the airport in Quito or Guayaquil before you can check-in. You will need to present this card on departure at the airport in Galapagos, so don’t lose it!
15% sales tax is charged on nearly all food and goods purchased.

Your Stay on the Galapagos Islands

During your stay on the Galapagos Islands, there will be a number of things to take into consideration. We have the answers to some of the most common questions about visiting below.

If you have any more queries about traveling to the Galapagos Islands, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Which Island in the Galapagos is the Best to Visit?

We may be biased in saying we believe all of the Galapagos Islands are the best to visit! Each one has its own unique appeal, and it will vary from person to person. Here are brief highlights of some of the islands:

Santa Cruz Island
Santa Cruz is the closest island to the airport on Baltra and is home to Parque Nacional Galápagos. You’ll find a number of great beaches, including Tortuga Bay, and plenty of accommodation options. It’s also where Academy Bay Diving is based!

Isabela Island
The largest of the Galapagos Islands, Isabela is one of the most volcanically active islands in the archipelago. The north of the island is not inhabited by humans, so the only danger, if you were lucky, was getting too close in the boat while watching the explosions of lava from the crater.

San Cristobal Island
With its white sandy beaches and turquoise waters, San Cristobal is a hotspot for swimming and snorkeling. But one of its major attractions is Galapaguera de Cerro Colorado, a breeding center for giant tortoises!

Bartolome Island
Bartolome Island is one of the most iconic in the archipelago, and you’ll probably recognize it from most photographs! Here you can really admire the incredible volcanic landscape and see how the forces of nature brought these islands to life.

Fernandina Island
Fernandina Island is the most pristine of all the Galapagos Islands. You’ll find a booming population of land iguanas, flightless cormorants, and Galapagos penguins here. This is also an excellent place for diving, though only accessed on a liveaboard.

Where is the Best Place to Stay in the Galapagos?

Santa Cruz island is the best place to stay in the Galapagos, since it is the closest to the Galápagos Ecologic Airport and has plenty of accommodation options, from affordable hostels to more luxurious hotels like the Pikaia Lodge. The rest of the archipelago can be easily accessed from Santa Cruz, and there are a range of tours and activities available on the island.

What is the Currency on the Galapagos Islands?

The Galapagos Islands uses US dollars as its currency, as does Ecuador. You’ll need cash on your arrival to the islands to pay for your national park entrance fee and visitors card. It’s also easiest to use cash while on the island. Learn more about payments on the island with our guide to Planning a Trip to the Galapagos Islands.

How to Make My Trip to the Galapagos More Sustainable?

Traveling to the Galapagos Islands is an incredible experience, but you are also visiting a fragile environment. If you want to make your trip more sustainable, our tips include using reusable water bottles, wearing reef-safe sunscreen, and recycling items. When choosing your accommodation, look for places that use eco-friendly practices. And always try and support locally run tours and businesses!

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