sea shepherd

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Diving in the Galapagos Islands – August in review

Still on a high from our visit by Sea Shepherd Captain, Wyanda Lublink in July we were excited to have yet another special visit in August from Carlos and Allison Estape. The couple are underwater photographers, educators, naturalists and citizen scientists. So, as you can imagine, they came with a wealth of knowledge that we were more than happy to listen to.

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Diving in the Galapagos Islands – July in review

July was a fantastic month for us at Academy Bay Diving, and a very exciting one for any lover of the ocean and meeting inspiring women. We received a special visit from a Sea Shepherd powerhouse, Captain Wyanda Lublink. We were lucky to dive with our new friend, chat with her and hear some amazing tales of dramatic ship takeovers and the incredible work of Sea Shepherd.

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